Archive | June, 2009


30 Jun

Music in your house.

When it comes to playing music, we believe all rooms should be created equal. That’s why you can put ZonePlayers in absolutely any room where you want music — either connected directly to speakers or to your home theater and stereo system. With Sonos, no room is off-limits and you can add music to practically any number of rooms: the bedroom, the backyard, even the bathroom.

Music in your hands.

Sonos puts the control of all your music and all your rooms right where it should be — in your hands. Create a playlist to cook by. Browse your entire collection or use search to find your favorites. Tune in to a radio station halfway round the world. Share the Controller with friends. But be prepared, because once they get their hands on it, they’ll have a hard time letting go.

Edible Arrangements

30 Jun

these would make anyone happy — they make me happy !

Edible Arrangements


24 Jun

Musicovery is a site that lets you choose a mood (anywhere from dark to positive and from calm to energetic), a list of genres, a time period, and you get a playlist that can be listened online (in a low bitrate for free). The songs are visually connected in a graph and when you select a song, the view centers on the current song.

Brand Awareness

6 Jun

this is getting out of hand… but it’s kinda cool!

read article


5 Jun

by Martin Lindstrom

i personally haven’t read this book myself. Waiting for my colleague to finish. BUT i hear it’s really changing the way we think about advertisements. i’d say check it out anyway. And we’ll tell you more in the Sophisticate.


5 Jun

Everything you need to know about the PSP Go! (via Gizmodo)

Gay Talese

5 Jun

Vodpod videos no longer available.

the art of tailoring IS truly unappreciated by the masses in today’s fashion!

Digital Renaissance

5 Jun

i was blessed today to have the opportunity to attend ‘beyond broadcast 09’ at the USC Annenberg School for Communication. it’s focus was the world’s emerging Digital Renaissance. The video i’ve posted was a video presented during the conference that will challenge the mindset of any individual in our time. i also hope it encourages all to use the technology we have in place as well as think outside of the paradigm of our current world. Anything is possible!


i’m back blogging!
and the eMagazine titled The Sophisticate, will be in circulation soon…
First issue: “The Rise happens in the Fall”