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Handbuilt Bicycle

18 Jun

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “As We Proceed… “, posted with vodpod

My Fav Culture

10 Jun

i wrote an article some time ago about the discovering of my favorite culture while i was in Germany. Well, as time has it, it is beginning to resurface here in America, in the form of a Vespa… check out that blog post & stay tuned !


13 Apr


Nothing more elegant and sophisticated to see in the Spring time.

Favorite New Culture

22 Mar



Rapha x Timothy Everest Cycling Suit

3 Mar


“Because Tim is a pretty active and knowledgeable cyclist, the details for fit on and off the bike have been really well thought through- the facing buttons up for clearance when you pedal, the cuffs flip down and the collar pops and fastens up. The back has been built so it gives when you get down on the bars for fit and comfort. Both the jacket and the vest have two pockets on on the back in case you need to cary a phone, wallet, or a flask.”

Timothy Everest

Dromarti Leather Cycling Shoes

15 Feb

dromarti-leather-cycling-shoes-front Dromarti Leather Cycling Shoes

Dromarti of London produces a trifecta of cycling shoes to appease the businessman who would rather look dapper on the bike than sport. Choose from three models – Sportivo (shown above), Race, and Storica.

Dromarti also develops cycling clothing and their own custom bespoke Italian bicycles. An absolute must for the  tweed and trad cyclists who prefers clipless. (Via Selectism)


9 Feb


There is something so elegant, classy, sophisticated, and beautiful in riding a bike. It’s much more than the simplicity of just riding a bicycle, though that is very much apart of it. It says so much about a person’s confidence, work ethic, and grit, which all adds up to classic, elegant, and sophisticated beauty. i have officially become Copenhagenized and would like for you all to join me. My new favorite website and culture Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

Light Lane by Altitude

29 Jan


“Bike lanes have proven to be an effective method of protecting cyclists on congested roads. One key is that the lane establishes a well defined boundary beyond the envelope of the bicycle, providing a greater margin of safety between the car and the cyclist. Yet, only a small fraction of streets have dedicated bike lanes, and with an installation cost of $5,000 to $50,000 per mile, we shouldn’t expect to find them everywhere anytime soon. Instead of adapting cycling to established bike lanes, the bike lane should adapt to the cyclists. This is the idea behind the LightLane. Our system projects a crisply defined virtual bike lane onto pavement, using a laser, providing the driver with a familiar boundary to avoid. With a wider margin of safety, bikers will regain their confidence to ride at night, making the bike a more viable commuting alternative.” – Altitude

Beauty & the Bike

23 Jan


From the World’s cycling capital, Copenhagen, i present to you two great bicycle culture ladened blogs: Copenhagen Cycle Chic and their sister blog Copenhagenize! Also be sure to check out this article, 18 Ways to Know that You have Bicycle Culture. I think i have all 18 now!

Hermes Bicycle

17 Jan

hermes$3500… uhh, Down payment? lol