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15 Shots??

22 Feb

This is ridiculous… things just don’t really seem to be changing at all do they? Our people, our communities, our WORLD needs a voice. Not a figure head, not a celebrity, not a donation, not another charity event, not another party, not another bash, but someone (a group of folks) who area willing to dedicate themselves to the betterment of society. Whether it’s local or global! In my humble opinion, that is what keeping Dr. King’s ‘Dream’ alive means to me. Not about a race achieving something, but people living peacefully amongst each other understanding and agreeing to disagree, at the very least, on our differences. As much as our nations mantra has become “CHANGE” in our nations history have i ever seen it. And at this point in time to “Change” the habits and ignorance of racism, socialism, classism, and inadequate education… i hope for, but don’t see “Change” happening from within the system.

And though, this definitely hit home, literally and metaphorically, seeing as i am born and raised in Pasadena, CA… this is not something that just effects me. But it’s just like anything else in our society i guess, we never put stop signs up on a street until a little kid gets hit. i’m saddened, heartbroken, outraged, and furious. Hope will never be lost but i do know that Jesus is the only way.

God bless!!
Rest in Peace “LB”

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Adam Yauch: #1 Spot

16 Feb

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