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Fast Company || Sam Adams

28 Jun

In his first year in office, Adams implemented the Climate Action Plan, a roadmap to cutting Carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050; he’s merged the Office of Sustainable Development with the Bureau of Planning to infuse all city plans with sustainability; he’s worked toward allocating $20 million for new “bicycle boulevards“; and he’s started a pilot program for clean energy retrofitting.

Adams has proven that even in slow economic times, he’s still moving Portland forward as a Fast City.

full interview here

Rachel Maddow: on Obama and change

19 Feb

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Rachel Maddow video: on Obama and change“, posted with vodpod

She brings up very interesting points in the intro to the interview of Malcolm Gladwell. Lend it your ear.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

10 Feb


“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” – Abraham Lincoln (Charleston, Ill. 1851)

This is a very compelling article in a very important time.
written by Henry Louis Gates Jr. editor in chief of The Root. He is co-host of the PBS series Looking for Lincoln, which premieres Feb. 11 (check local listings for time). His book, Lincoln on Race and Slavery, is available now.

read the article here.

Global Corruption

27 Jan

corruptionmapGlobal Corruption Map

please read anyone or all of these articles on corruption going on around the world from young to old, petty to grand! makes you think!

Obama Inaugural Guidebook

18 Jan


Obama’s Inaugural Guidebook via Scribd

My President is… Right?

11 Jan

barackobamahsHere comes the justification for all the bailouts! As a citizen, i hope i can trust and believe that these bailouts are somehow going to help me as i try to gain the ever so important credit status in America. We didn’t get into this predicament on accident and the banks are still hoarding money. I’m not sure which philosopher it was, but they said something like this “a country’s success isn’t based on the riches but how well off the lowest of society is.” So, though i can see how giving money to some large corporations can help in the short run, i eventually think the people most affected by the economic crisis will need some assistance, and those people are the people. And a trickle down affect of money giving to the top doesn’t seem like it will reach the people like it should, which needs to be directly!

How awesome would it be to go to a kingdom and see the peasants resemble kings? What would you think the kings look like? And how respected would that kingdom be? i don’t know, maybe i’m just babbling! check out this article on Obama’s words on the $315 billion bailout helping the people. (Goodness, that’s a lot of money)

‘Extraordinary Gathering’

7 Jan

bushobamaPresident-elect, Barack Obama, is involved in yet another historic event. As all living former United States presidents meet in the Oval Office for the first time since 1981. For what, i don’t know! But it’s dubbed as an ‘extraordinary gathering’ by MSNBC i’m sort of leery in seeing such ‘men of power’ come together at this historic time. Ah, whatever, i’ll stop being cynical for once and enjoy the moment with the rest of the world! Sike! i’m still a little questionable on the United States government!

check out the video of the historic moment and read the article. i have some very intelligent viewers so i’m going to ask for you feedback on this historic moment! please email me

My President is…

31 Dec

barackupPhotographer Callie Shell tells it best: “Two staffers had just passed this site and done two pull-ups. Not to be outdone, Obama did three with ease, dropped, and walked out to make a speech.” Sure, the man’s ties are elegant and the suits fit relatively well, but sometimes style is less about the clothes you’re wearing than what you do while wearing them.

the People

1 Dec


1 Samuel 8

click on comments to read more indepth of this post!

Obama Hustle

20 Oct

in a previous blog i posted entitled ‘ONE VOICE’ i mentioned the unity of the seniors in America and how precious and loudly their voices are heard in any political campaign. My father sent me an email of a perfect display of what i was saying. Not only are they having fun with it, they’re getting excercise, and they’re maximizing their individual vote with strength in numbers. In any other election or vote on certain laws or rights, they’re doing the exact same thing. So young people, young voters especially, please take heed!

Disclaimer: i am in no way, shape, or form, endorsing Obama. I do like some of the things that he speaks on, but i’ve learned to never get too excited over politicians. I hope he if he gets elected, he does his best to do right by the American citizens and the world. The same that i wish McCain to do if he were to get elected. In any event, check out the video… Enjoy!

Obama Hustle